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Lutheran Doctrine
S-080 Basic Christian Doctrine
A Preseminary Class

Class 11 - Chapter 10
Date: 1-9-03

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For next week:

Chapter 11 — Holy Scripture

(Note: Although these questions arise from specific sections of the chapter, please allow the whole chapter to possibly supplement your answers.)


According to the Holy Scripture?s occasional self-references, how does KOLB conclude they are "like Jesus Christ"?


Describe the nature and process of verbal inspiration. Defend your answer.


Discuss the significance of "inspiration" for the believers? attitudes about and use of the Bible.


Discuss the significance of the "human writers" for the believers? attitudes about and use of the Bible.


Discuss the primary and supporting purpose of Scripture.


Discuss the four principles of Biblical Interpretation. Reflect on the relationship between presuppositions and conceptual frameworks to interpretation.



2 Peter 1:21


"apostles and prophets"


"hermeneutical circle"

"historical critical"

"historical grammatical"

"form criticism"







Modified: 1-10-03
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